Created on 2011-02-01, 21:02:15.370

Worst Case Thread Lengths

Thead/Function Steps Ram Accesses
GPIO 9 5
            GPIO::GPIO_OutputHigh 1 0
            GPIO::GPIO_OutputLow 1 0
            GPIO::GPIO_InputRising 4 0
            GPIO::GPIO_InputFalling 4 0
            GPIO::GPIO_InputEither 3 0
            GPIO::GPIO_InputMatchS5 8 1
            GPIO::GPIO_MatchTransition 8 3
            GPIO::GPIO_MatchS7 9 5
            GPIO::GPIO_Transition 8 3
            GPIO::GPIO_Error    [excluded] 17 1
PWM 12 3
            PWM::PWM_init    [excluded] 22 4
            PWM::PWM_immediate_update 4 3
            PWM::PWM_immediate_update_missed 3 2
            PWM::PWM_coherent_update 8 6
            PWM::PWM_frame_edge_active_high 11 3
            PWM::PWM_frame_edge_active_low 12 3
            PWM::PWM_active_edge 4 2
            PWM::PWM_Error    [excluded] 17 1
IC 60 11
            IC::IC_init_tcr1    [excluded] 9 1
            IC::IC_init_tcr2    [excluded] 10 1
            IC::IC_init_pram 10 1
            IC::IC_Trans 56 10
            IC::IC_trans_with_ram_ref 60 11
            IC::IC_Error    [excluded] 17 1
OC 4 2
            OC::OC_init_pin_no_change    [excluded] 43 10
            OC::OC_initialialize_pin_low    [excluded] 45 10
            OC::OC_init_pin_high    [excluded] 45 10
            OC::OC_match 4 2
            OC::OC_Error    [excluded] 17 1
FPM 14 10
            FPM::Init_FPM    [excluded] 10 0
            FPM::Update_FPM 7 2
            FPM::FIRST_EDGE 3 2
            FPM::TDL_FPM 3 3
            FPM::COUNT_EM_FPM 14 10
            FPM::FPM_Error    [excluded] 17 1
PPA 44 17
            PPA::PPA_init_tcr2    [excluded] 12 0
            PPA::PPA_init_tcr1    [excluded] 11 0
            PPA::PPA_inactive_srv_req_last_pin_hi 33 12
            PPA::PPA_inactive_srv_req_last_pin_lo 34 12
            PPA::PPA_active_srv_req_last_pin_lo 44 17
            PPA::PPA_active_srv_req_last_pin_hi 43 17
            PPA::PPA_Error    [excluded] 17 1
UART 28 12
            UART::UART_TX_init    [excluded] 7 0
            UART::UART_RX_init    [excluded] 3 0
            UART::UART_Test_New_Data_Tx 11 6
            UART::UART_Send_Serial_Data_TX 19 6
            UART::UART_Detect_new_data_RX 10 4
            UART::UART_Receive_Serial_Data_RX 28 12
            UART::UART_Error    [excluded] 17 1
QOM 37 13
            QOM::QOM_init_hi    [excluded] 36 12
            QOM::QOM_init_lo    [excluded] 36 12
            QOM::Init_QOM_LNK_NC 4 2
            QOM::QOM_init_lsr_low 6 2
            QOM::QOM_init_lsr_high 6 2
            QOM::QOM_init_nc 34 12
            QOM::QOM_service_link 37 13
            QOM::Service_single_match0 23 8
            QOM::Service_single_match1 22 9
            QOM::QOM_match_0 25 8
            QOM::QOM_match_1 24 9
            QOM::QOM_Error    [excluded] 17 1
SM cna
            SM::SM_init_low 6 2
            SM::SM_init_high 5 2
            SM::SM_stop_low 2 0
            SM::SM_stop_high 2 0
            SM::SM_move cna
            SM::SM_step cna
            SM::SM_Error 17 1
SPI 15 2
            SPI::SPI_init_tcr1    [excluded] 16 0
            SPI::SPI_init_tcr2    [excluded] 17 0
            SPI::SPI_run_tcr2 15 2
            SPI::SPI_run_tcr1 14 2
            SPI::SPI_data_odd_lsb 10 3
            SPI::SPI_data_odd_msb 9 3
            SPI::SPI_data_even_lsb 11 2
            SPI::SPI_data_even_msb 12 2
            SPI::SPI_Error    [excluded] 17 1
SPWM 29 7
            SPWM::SPWM_init_master    [excluded] 36 10
            SPWM::SPWM_init_slave    [excluded] 12 2
            SPWM::SPWM_rising_edge_master 29 7
            SPWM::SPWM_falling_edge_master 7 1
            SPWM::SPWM_slave_calc 12 7
            SPWM::SPWM_rising_edge_slave 11 5
            SPWM::SPWM_falling_edge_slave 7 4
            SPWM::SPWM_out_of_synch_slave 18 1
            SPWM::SPWM_Error    [excluded] 17 1
            SPWM::SPWM_Error_hsr    [excluded] 1 0
TEST 4 0
            TEST::TEST_generate_interrupt 2 0
            TEST::TEST_generate_dtr 2 0
            TEST::TEST_generate_link 2 0
            TEST::TEST_global_exception 2 0
            TEST::TEST_link_request 4 0
            TEST::TEST_undefined    [excluded] 1 0
Global Functions -- --
            PPA_CheckPin 2 0
            PPA_AccumTime 9 5
            PPA_Read1Retrig 3 2
            PPA_Read2Retrig 3 2
            PPA_CheckCount 13 10
            PPA_MeasGlitch 4 2
            Global_Error_Func 14 1
            Link4 5 0

Note: worst case data marked as 'cna' could not be analyzed. See the ETEC documentation for an explanation.

Note: [excluded] is used to denote threads that are excluded from a class's and entry table's WCTL.

Worst Case Latency

Channel/Function Priority WCTL* Max WCL Actual WCL
   Engine B, Channel 0, QOM High 0.86 us
5.60 us 1.54 us
   Engine B, Channel 1, UART Middle 0.68 us
15.30 us 5.35 us
   Engine B, Channel 2, SPI Middle 0.38 us
15.30 us 5.35 us
   Engine B, Channel 3, SPI Low 0.38 us
35.70 us 28.88 us
   Engine B, Channel 4, SPWM Low 0.68 us
35.70 us 28.88 us
   Engine B, Channel 5, SPWM Low 0.68 us
35.70 us 28.88 us
   Engine B, Channel 6, UART Low 0.68 us
35.70 us 28.88 us
   Engine B, Channel 7, UART Low 0.68 us
35.70 us 28.88 us
   Engine A, Channel 0, SPWM High 0.68 us
7.30 us 1.35 us
   Engine A, Channel 1, UART Middle 0.68 us
7.30 us 4.43 us
   Engine A, Channel 2, SPI Middle 0.38 us
7.30 us 4.43 us
   Engine A, Channel 3, SPI Low 0.38 us
23.40 us 13.90 us
   Engine A, Channel 4, SPWM Low 0.68 us
23.40 us 13.90 us
   Engine A, Channel 5, SPWM Low 0.68 us
23.40 us 13.90 us

Note: WCTL (Worst Case Thread Length) includes the Steps, RAM's, TST's (Time Slot Transitions) and TST-RAM's with RCR (RAM Collision Rate) factored in. The two numbers in parentheses are the instruction-steps and the RAM's


Source Code File Information

File Opcodes Code Size (bytes) Start Stop
etpuc_ppa.c 136 544 0xBF8 0xE14
etpuc_sm.c 133 532 0x11B4 0x13C4
etpuc_qom.c 129 516 0xFB0 0x11B0
etpuc_uart.c 102 408 0xE18 0xFAC
etpuc_spwm.c 88 352 0x14F0 0x164C
etpuc_spi.c 74 296 0x13C8 0x14EC
etpuc_oc.c 69 276 0xA54 0xB64
etpuc_pwm.c 60 240 0x888 0x974
etpuc_ic.c 55 220 0x978 0xA50
etpuc_fpm.c 36 144 0xB68 0xBF4
etpuc_gpio.c 34 136 0x800 0x884
_global_error_handler.lib 26 104 0x16C4 0x1728
etpuc_set1.c 19 76 0x1678 0x16C0
etpuc_test.c 10 40 0x1650 0x1674
TOTAL 971 3884 0x800 0x1728

Note: The entry table is not included in the 'Code Size' column.

Call Tree (max stack is 0 bytes)

Thead/Function Stack for Locals and Calls Max. Stack Depth
GPIO 0 0
      Global_Error_Func 0 0
PWM 0 0
      Global_Error_Func 0 0
IC 0 0
      Link4 0 0
      Global_Error_Func 0 0
OC 0 0
      Global_Error_Func 0 0
FPM 0 0
      Global_Error_Func 0 0
PPA 0 0
      PPA_CheckPin 0 0
      PPA_Read1Retrig 0 0
      PPA_MeasGlitch 0 0
      PPA_CheckCount 0 0
      PPA_Read2Retrig 0 0
      PPA_AccumTime 0 0
      Global_Error_Func 0 0
UART 0 0
      Global_Error_Func 0 0
QOM 0 0
      Global_Error_Func 0 0
SM 0 0
      Global_Error_Func 0 0
SPI 0 0
      Global_Error_Func 0 0
SPWM 0 0
      Link4 0 0
      Global_Error_Func 0 0
TEST 0 0